
Fernanda-abraao girls with muscle
Fernanda-abraao girls with muscle

fernanda-abraao girls with muscle

Both groups were evaluated with regard to their pain, grip strength, and upper extremity functional level (disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand and patient-rated wrist evaluation questionnaires), and they also underwent a dynamic electromyography analysis of their forearm muscle activity. The study involved 15 patients with SLIL injury (instability group) and 11 healthy participants (control group). This study aimed to investigate the alterations seen in the activation patterns of the forearm muscles and to demonstrate the associated functional outcomes, in patients with scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL) injury. No conflicts of interest were reported for this study. The authors thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifíco e Tecnológico (CNPq), a Brazilian agency linked to the Ministry of Science and Technology, for the Productivity Scholarship and for the grants number 12/2010 (IC – CNPq). Funding Sources and Potential Conflicts of Interest However, the results for the percentages of activation suggest that the intensity of recruitment may not be sufficient to strengthen muscle in healthy, trained subjects. The condition and the phase in which the muscle was more activated were the reformer and concentric phase, respectively, for both exercises. The findings of this study show that Pilates exercises by healthy women, under different conditions, can cause changes to the MU activation. The use of surface EMG for the MU could be a limitation concerning the signal because this is a deep trunk muscle, although the surface EMG for the noninvasive assessment of muscles considers the position to capture the signal of this muscle. Thus, the breast stroke exercise was chosen because it provided the same degree of difficulty as the Limitationsīecause the study evaluated healthy adult women subjects, these results cannot be generalized to other populations.

fernanda-abraao girls with muscle

In the same way as the hundred exercise can be considered traditional for the abdominals, the swan dive exercise is for the extensors. The exercise choice was determined by considering the most widely used for the extensor trunk muscles and the subjects had been practitioners of the method for at least 6 months allowing a choice of exercises with greater difficulty as well as the biomechanics. In the comparison between conditions of the swan dive exercise, there was a difference in favor of the reformer Discussion Therefore, for the comparisons between phases and conditions, the values on the left side were considered. There was no difference between the right and left sides of the MU. The trunk extensors muscles' mean (SD) MVIC was 662.4 N (SD: 195). The anthropometric data showed a normal distribution, except for the length of time that the subjects had practiced Pilates before the study. The exclusion criteria for the study were history of back pain, severe scoliosis or congenital malformation of the spine, surgery on the musculoskeletal Results The characteristics of the subjects were age χ̅ = 24.3 years (SD, 3.1), body mass index χ̅ = 20.7 kg/m 2 (SD, 1.3), and time of Pilates practice, with median of 12 months (10-24 percentiles).

fernanda-abraao girls with muscle

Sixteen healthy females, aged between 20 and 31 years, who had been practicing Pilates for at least 6 months, volunteered to participate in the study.

Fernanda-abraao girls with muscle